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What is PROMPT Therapy?

PROMPT is an acronym for

Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. It is a multidimensional approach to speech production disorders that embraces not only the physical-sensory aspects of motor performance, but also its cognitive-linguistic and social-emotional aspects.

PROMPT is about integrating all domains and systems towards a positive communication outcome. It may be used with all speech production disorders from approximately 6 months of age onward.

To achieve the best outcome with PROMPT it should not be thought of or used mainly to facilitate oral-motor skills, produce individual sounds/phonemes, or as an articulation program, but rather as a program to develop motor skill in the development of language for interaction.

All of our Brooklyn-based clinicians are PROMPT-trained and under the direct supervision of two certified PROMPT instructors.


What is PROMPT?

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